06-05-2004, 08:50 PM
ffs, why does every fuking thread posted on this damn site in the clan section end up in a flame. Das Blitz you should jsut stfu right now and not even get me going on your lame ass. I dont see what else you guys have against Team ZeRo, Pyro, wtf, I dont even know who the hell you are and quite frankly I dont give a shit. Redcell as for your comment on our CAL record, 2 of those losses were against Exs and some other top rated clan. No we are not a perfect clan and no I never once said we were. We made a post in an effort to gain a few new members, not to start yet another fuking flame thread. If you guys think your clan is jsut tooo perfect to make a post, then stfu and let other people make their posts. This forum has been good to Mods but as I can see its not good for much else. Pretty disappointing especially from other clan guys. Dont you have something better to do then flame every fuking post. Something appears to be wrong in your heads. stupid:
PS: Grow the fuk up Das Blitz.