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imported_Fluffy_Bunny is Offline
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Default 06-06-2004, 03:51 AM

Just then there was a knock on the door, Adolph Hitler walked in, in all his glory.

He had just taken a bath & was still covered in hot soapy goodness, he winked at me with his big baby-blue aryan eyes. The light of the explosions outside highlighted in the glossy sparkle seated in his pupil. He smiled & adopted a teapot stance.

"Cum vit mee bigg boiee." He said, I knew I couldn't contain myself for my Furher any longer, it was what my unit expected. Loyalty was my honour & there was no greater reward than being with the Furher.

I stood up & walked over to the master, he winked at me & pursed his lips in a fashion that only aryans can understand. Then he grabbed me with his big slippery arms & yelled "Take ME NOW SMITT!" Then he began to work my big aryan goodness from the front & I screamed. "DO ME NOW MEINE FURHER, DO ME LIKE EVA BRAUN IN ZE BUNKER!" & boy did he...
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