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Moe Cizlak is Offline
Posts: 78
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Des Moines, Iowa
Default 02-17-2002, 07:00 AM

"A small country" Webb? By European standards Germany is huge. I believe its 2nd only to France in size(unless you want to count part of Russia). With their population glut they were truely a powerhouse. WolfX, how can you have great admiration for what German War History did and not appove of what they did? That is the same thing. Do you appove of what was done in the Warsaw Ghetto? That wasn't the Gestapo, that was Wehrmahct. How about asking Russian peasants what they thought of the German War Machine. That isn't war, it's murder. I admire German attention to order and discipline within their ranks and their engineering accomplishments of that era but what they did from '39-'45 was not praiseworthy. The Wehrmact was just as guilty as the SS and Gestapo of warcrimes. You can't seperate the two.
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