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Hollywood is Offline
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Default 06-08-2004, 01:47 PM

Bump, because I've been playing this game all night and it is definitely one of the best games on the Xbox. The game would never look this good on the PS2, which is why I'm glad it's exclusive to the Xbox. The voice acting, hand-to-hand combat, puzzles, it's all top-notch. And I like how they got Cole Hauser from the first movie to reprise his role as the bounty hunter.

Other actors worth mentioning, Ron Pearlman (Hellboy), Xzibit (who actually does a decent job playing a pissed off security guard), and Michael Rooker (Days of Thunder, Tombstone, Mallrats) does a great job as one of the inmates at Butcher Bay.

Some cool facts, the game is first person but switches to third when climbing ladders and boxes. You have different moves and combos in hand to hand combat, such as hooks and uppercuts. You can block knives with one hand and knock the person out. If a gaurd has a shotgun, you can grab it and blow his brains all over the wall. You can make alliances with certain people in the cell-block, by killing other inmates that pissed them off. This is all within the first 15 minutes.

If you own an Xbox, get this game.
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