06-08-2004, 08:40 PM
I think Rainbow 6 is an excellent online FPS. Ninja Gaiden is the best RPG, Full Spectrum is creamable, Splinter Cell is excellent and the second just gets way better and online, and Halo is Halo..
The sports games on xbox are definately nothing to brag about but now that ea games went online with xbox live things should get more interesting with online bf:nam and ea sports. Xbox is a new system, you need to give it time to get some good games, but I still think there's tons of games that are good already.
Another thing: I hate it when people bitch about the cost of xbox live. When you think about it, it's $4.16 a month. And the first year is free. The only reason they make you pay is because they are constantly improving their servers and giving the gamers a lot less lag and also different areas of online play. Like XSN(Xbox Sports Network).