02-19-2002, 08:14 AM
Cheat or bug, who cares? Cancel it with Tab and be happy.
It's up to 2015 to sort it out, I just hope they know about it.
Oh and I doubt Tasselhoff is cheating because he says it's a bug. I certainly am not cheating 'cos I give out the fix freely.
Soon as you lock up hit tab and let everyone else know asap, be it in spec mode when yer dead, or just when the round restarts.
I don't get much satisfaction out of killing someone who is locked by a bug in the code.
I keep saying 'bug' because I never cry 'cheat' until I see it working for myself.
If someone claims they are using it as a cheat tell them to do it on demand... you'll soon see if they're telling the truth or not.