Originally Posted by ninty9
no...we can still talk about nhl if we want...its just not stickied anymore. what difference does it make...oh yeah, a blackhawks fan...now i know why you want this to die...bad memmories.
mistake number one. not a hawks fan. not a hockey fan. the sport is dying, if it wasnt for espn picking up the giant tv contract for this past year hockey would have folded. its definately going ot be a lockout yr next season....so prepare to sleeping:
perhaps back in the day when i used to play ice hockey and rollerblade hockey in the early 90's and the hawks went to the cup, ya i like hockey. but, having an owner that truly sucks MONSTER cock including not televising your own teams homegames stupid: makes one want to hate the game over time.
however, give me some ea sports nhlpa sega hockey circa 94-95 and i will definately be on board for that swingers style rock: "GRETSKY'S a BITCH!"