Originally Posted by ninty9
Originally Posted by JBird
Originally Posted by ninty9
no...we can still talk about nhl if we want...its just not stickied anymore. what difference does it make...oh yeah, a blackhawks fan...now i know why you want this to die...bad memmories.
mistake number one. not a hawks fan. not a hockey fan. the sport is dying, if it wasnt for espn picking up the giant tv contract for this past year hockey would have folded. its definately going ot be a lockout yr next season....so prepare to sleeping:
perhaps back in the day when i used to play ice hockey and rollerblade hockey in the early 90's and the hawks went to the cup, ya i like hockey. but, having an owner that truly sucks MONSTER cock including not televising your own teams homegames stupid: makes one want to hate the game over time.
however, give me some ea sports nhlpa sega hockey circa 94-95 and i will definately be on board for that swingers style rock: "GRETSKY'S a BITCH!"
[quote:30412]well, i may as well come out with it. i never disliked hockey in the first place lol. it all stems down to the fact that all during last yr's baseball playoff season, every thread made (and there were a dozen or so) about the games were bombarded with hockey fans (mostly canadians) who would spam every thread with "baseball sucks" "baseball = " and so on , and so forth. so, i vowed that as soon as hockey season started that i would do the same, out of spite i tried explaining this before, but after i did "hockey = " in one thread a while ago and zoner erased it saying "plz dont post your negative comments about hockey" that really ticked me off. because not once, did any of the mods erase any of the countless anti baseball posts of the exact same nature in those threads.
so, that is it. all out of spite, the whole time my goal was to make the hockey fans realize how annoying it was, but no one made the connection lol. so, it has failed.
for the record...i grew up playing hockey. in the winter as a kid we would go into a frozen pond in st. kashimir cemetary in south side chicago heh. when it got warm out , me and my buds were on the cutting edge in the early 90's..playin rollerhockey. i have nothin against hockey, i just got very frustrated during nov and october last yr, not being able to read any baseball thread without ze spam.
*rant off*
yeah, in my last post i never said i disliked it so whats your point? i was just stating thats its time for this thread to die now, and i am grateful that its finally unstickied. perhaps now i will make my "Official Baseball Thread" but im not even bothering, because it wouldnt be stickied because we know all the mods love hockey. also, it would be destroyed with all the hockey fanboys on this forum, and frankly, i am just sick of this argument. like your sports people, whatever they are oOo: