06-11-2004, 04:08 PM
you stfu noob, converting is like taking someones racecar to a race,winning,then calling the car yours. if you cant do it your self,dont fucking do it. riggs isnt that bad because he gives credit,but befor you noobs came there were alot of great people,converting killed mohaa thats why it isnt the game it used to be.so shut the fuck up you dont know what your talking about when it comes to the past of mohaa.[/quote:6e5e1]
First off shut the fuck up.
Second. even though he did give credit you still disgraced it now you don't? dumbfuck
Third, converting is bringing some Moh fans back how CN did.
Fourth, I have owned Moh:AA the same week it came out. I know more about the past, shut the fuck up.