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Default 06-12-2004, 10:15 PM

I tried the "experiment" with friends: some are gifted, most aren't. I did
NOT give them the name of the game. All I said was "there IS a specific
rule for how I get the number I say after rolling the dice. Your job is this:
find out the rule and when you do, tell me what the dice value is." MOST
of the average crowd took a LONG time to figure it out whereas the other
more gifted folks did after a few rolls. Without the name, a lot less would
find it, as there's no longer a connection to be made between the name
and dice. More fun...

The simpler the person, the easier it is not to get caught up in a complex
analysis. When we remove the element that helps people find the trick, it
makes the game challenging and fair for everyone.
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