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Command Sergeant Major
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Default THE EX FACTOR! - 06-13-2004, 09:44 PM

Holy fuck - have a bit of fun and you're a stalker!!!

[quote:e4625]9:02pm: Okay everybody, I have an ex-boyfriend who is being really creepy right now and keeps reading my journal and trying to make comments and stuff. His newest thing was to make a livejournal account that mimics mine. He stole my picture and used it for the icon and made it uber_abbo so it appears as if its mine. Due to this creepy psycho-ness I am going friends only and changing all of my back entries to friends only. If somebody posts on your livejournal an asshole comment and it looks like its from me, please check.[/quote:e4625]

hellfire: So for a larf I check in on this bitch to see if shes killed herself yet, and in my infinite amount of free time at work I created a "blog" (aka faggy online journal for emo's and people with low self-esteem) just like hers and procedded to have with the merriment. I posted ONE comment and now I'm full of Psycho-Ness. rolleyes: That picture of her - bleah. Shes gained so much fucking weight its disgusting - and suprisingly NONE of it is in her tits. For fucking shame. However all of this is hardly the tip of the iceberg since this broad has:

Broken down crying when I told her to go home from my house.

Cut her wrists when I told her I didnt want to hear her fucking problems.

Has a toxic cooch that miscarried the future leader of this country TGB! Jr (now this is what SHE says, for all I know she coulda had a yeast infection which is why her cooter went crazy on her)
Pops pills like they were tic-tacs.

Walked 5 fucking miles to my house once (when she lived downtown) and claimed she was just in the neighborhood - at 9 o clock at NIGHT! Not to mention multiple times coming over to my house (my door doesnt look from the inside so when I'm home its open) and sliding into me bed?

Let me do anal on her for the first time and then complained that it hurt and I had intentionally hurt her. Da fug!

Im in between girls so I figured why not give the Abbo-Express another ride. I say thee nay now. By all means gentlemen, let this beast know how you feel! NOMAM will rise again! (married with children reference).
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