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Default 02-19-2002, 07:12 AM

If it's the mission I'm thinking about, the bridge isn't to far away and your health is replenished for the next mission.

So what I did was, once I new about the first 2 snipers I sniped them first, then take out your thompson(or whatever you have) and *RUN* taking out as many as you can along the way. After doing it a couple of times you'll know where most of them are and they will be easier to take out.

You have to run though as reinforcments start showing up being you and if you try and go slow saving your health you will always get sandwiched between the two forces and ALWAYS get pumped fulla lead.

I got to the reinforcments with about 3% health left myself Like I said that mission is over after that and you don't have to worry about your health.

Good Luck


[This message has been edited by sgtwolf (edited February 19, 2002).]
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