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Default 02-19-2002, 07:55 AM

I haven't play WWII online, but haven't heard many good things about it, so I'll toss it outta the mix.

As for the remaining's tough. For the most realistic feeling play MOHAA hands down. As for graphics, both have redeeming qualities. Wolf seems to have the edge on MOHAA, but not by much. Sounds are great in both, but I will give this one to MOHAA. Especially in the Single Player mode. Then there are available multiplayer maps. This one goes HANDS DOWN to Wolf. There are simply more available for that game, and I promise you EA won't release any more maps without making you cough up some dough one way or another. The makers of Wolf even added a free downloadable map soon after it's realese. Now that's class!

When all is said and done? I was hooked on Wolf until MOHAA came out. Now I hardly play Wolf. Both are awesome, but MOHAA is the one I grab for first.

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