Thread: pissing me off
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Default 02-20-2002, 11:10 AM

Get over it you little tossers!! Jesus. This last post pissed me off -

If you have TK on, be prepared to deal with the consequences. Bottom line. Don't come here complaining that you put FF on and folks come in and start shooting the place up. You cant have your cake and eat it too man.

As far it being unrealistic for a guy to run into a crowd and then drop a grenade - what, you'd rather have him run at you with his MACHINE GUN, and you ::skillfully:: pick him off in your group. Please.

This whining crap annoys me to no end, it does. I hate teams of rocekteers, summer-campers, nade-soldiers - and all that. But I deal with it.

Hmmmm....seems to me some of you need to just deal with it, or wait till more "realism" mods make it easier for you to play on a server.

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