Thread: low carb
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Neo Nazi Hitler is Offline
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Default 06-15-2004, 12:56 PM

most of the shit being advertised as low/no carbs never had any to begin with.

atkins works though, my old man has been doin it over a year and lost over 60 pounds. But he doesn't really call it atkin's diet. He cheats and modifys shit all the time. People gotta realize diet isn't an off and on thing. Diet is what is says... it's a way of eating, forever. You don't go off and on. Atkins is also only for people who rarely or never exercise. Your body learns to burn fat instead of carbs (for energy). And if you go off the diet, your body will not know what's goin on and you'll gain back more than you lost, easily.

This shit is sunk into me over a year, my mom is doing it now too.. but hell, it's healthy.
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