02-21-2002, 11:39 AM
Arkan - MOH uses a few different ports besides 12203... thats why I forward ports 12200 - 12300. One post i read listed atleast 5 ports that MOH uses (within this range). It fixed my problem of seeing the server out on the net, atleast. The game also uses UDP (faster), but may use TCP as well... I have "both" enabled. As for some people getting kicked and others pinging great, I'm still at a loss! Hopefully, we can fix this somehow. I have re-installed several times to no avail. The only tweaks I have made to my server.cfg file are maxRate=9000 (to ensure equal bandwidth for all clients) and maxping=200 (to prevent 56kers from lagging the server too badly). There's no way we're the only two people with this problem.