02-21-2002, 01:02 AM
ur a fuckin idiot kakarott. you have obviously never played with skilled players.
DUH i know what it feels like to slaughter newbies, you are disillusioned that you are good with every weapon against every weapon.
reality check dumbass, ive played with good players, and under certain circumstances, yes you can adapt, but others NO, so don't say you can adapt to everything. shotguns OWN everything inside no questions, unless the guy is a complete moron that has no twitch speed.
then second, THIS ISN'T REAL LIFE, stop escaping to those pathetic excuses, its a game, games are cool cause they have GOOD GAMEPLAY, no game will ever be truly realistic, but the ironic thing is, limiting special weapons IS REALISTIC DUMBASS.
when more cheats are found, and you complain, i will say ADAPT TO IT DUMBASS , OR STFU.
you are a child, that doesn't give a shit about good gameplay that has lasting value. so just do us a favor and leave, your not making anything better.
and i bet youd be a SWELL BETA TESTER, when developers want you to submit bugs and ideas for balanced gameplay, you would just say, STFU, EVERYONE SHOULD JUST ADAPT. THIS GAME IS FINE. but no mohaa is not fine, it needs some tweaking if it wants to be up to par with balanced games that are played by masses.