So this is a solution: DON'T BITCH ABOUT SHOOTIES OR ROCKETEERS IF YOU'RE NOT GOOD AT THE GAME. Ok, maybe i am not that good at the game, but how can someone judge someone else even if not knowing his/her playing style
I wonder how many did think about MoH:AA like it would have been one of the most playable and a very tactical MP game.
I wonder about the percentage of the same people that were discouraged by the amount of "unrealistic" and over-the-board weapon usage, that turned what could have been "Saving-Private-Ryan-With-My-Friends" into another arcade-3d-shhot-'em-up, like Quake, Unreal ,etc.
I feel that bazookas and shotguns in the way they are modeled now are ruining something that would have been better....
That's he point of this thread: i feel(like any others, as proven) that i would have enjoyed more the game if the bazooka and te shotgun would have been restricted/modified somehow.
It's like.... anyone can play with a rocket launcher or shotgun.... it's much harder to play the Mauser for example....
Angrif! Angrif!
Achtung! Scharfschutzer!
Zu decken! Angrif!...