02-21-2002, 08:12 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SS-Oberstgruppenführer:
I dont mind when people use bazookas or shotguns at all..generally it doesn't give them an advantage with my playing style. I have a very "in your face" style, and by the time you realize I'm on you, it's already too late. In the case with bazooka dudes, I'm so close that if they kill me with the bazooka, they kill themself so the kill really doesn't "count."
If you're good enough, you shouldn't bitch about shottys or bazookas.
You are a idiot...enough said, that last line proves it. I dont have a problem taking these guys out....the problem is I dont want to have to kill 350 dudes useing the F***ing rocket launcher and shotgun over and over and over. You know how intense it would be to have a group of 6 people going up against another 6, one is waiting in ambush to attack the other as the pass downt the street....waiting....waiting....FIRE. While other guys on the server are holding off the other teams troop advancement.
[This message has been edited by Snake2222 (edited February 21, 2002).]