Can I turn off the constantly scrolling screen data? -
06-19-2004, 11:02 PM
Hi gang, long time player, first time poster.....
Here's something that's been bugging me when I play on Gamespy, and it's gotten real anoying...Hopefully it isn't a Gamespy thing - Let me explain.
Is there a way to stop the constantly scrolling team speak/chat, and the who got shot/where during freeze tag mode, and who's in jail during liberation?
Also there is other game stats that show up, and it's making seeing anything IMPOSSIBLE!
Is there a way to turn some, if not all of it off, or am I stuck with this because of Gamespy?
I hope someone can help, even if the answer is no.....Then I guess I can get on with learning how to live with it!
R.A. from N.J.