02-21-2002, 04:22 AM
Well After I posted yesterday I decided to get on a public server and see how it was. I was actually surprised at how many people were using the Rocket Launchers. In the beginning I was a little disoriented but then I started to figure them out. It actually got kinda fun runnin up on Zookas wit an MG or SMG, hehe, My kill ratio was 2/1 while theirs was more around 1/2. Also I found that most people using those weapons (not all) seemed to be low skilled noobs neway, probably just quake kiddies trying to get frags. The only problem I had was that it got kinda booring shooting the same rocket spammers all the time, If I used a weapon and consistant ly got shot up I would change my tactics, but these folks just kept eatin my lead. well anyway my point being that the weapons are not terribly unbalanced untill you get spammers that all choose the same weapon. You would hear complaints if everyone used the M1. I personally think that RTCW had it right when they made their MP, the class system makes it hard for spammers to be effective. except if you use those damn airstrikes lol.
Im goin sniper huntin 2day............where is my KAR98K,