02-21-2002, 06:14 AM
Well i've only just started to play MP tonight and i havent seen any mass usage of rockets and shotguns.
I wouldnt say the shotgun requires a large amount of skill to use either , if your able to point in the rough direction and press the mouse button at the right time then you'll most probably get the kill , where as with a mauser it's a different story , but if your a good shot then you can take on a shotgunner at close range and have a good chance of winning the fight.
But i think its wrong to say that people are stupid "n00bs" if they enjoy playing the game with a certain weapon.
Also i think its rather silly to complain when there's a lot of snipers since they normally stay away from the fighting and shoot from a longer range meaning they have to be a better skilled player to get the hit.
Further more someone said there should be limits on what kind of weapons people can take since rockets n shotgunners wernt in many numbers..... well i don't know about the shotgunners but there were a hell of a lot of Panzerschreck's in massive use during 1944-45.