<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by StosstruppenKompanie:
Nonsense to you, Cerebral Killerl did you ever think to go to battle in a war with yar 8-gauge rifle?
I wanted to see if are more people disgusted by some lame folks(not all of them, anyway) that somehow spoil the feeling of the game.
I reckon that single is much more fun than MP sometimes, 'cuz germans don't try to hit you with a panzer schreck , or worse try to jam the shotgun up ur mouth.
Just play "Stalingrad" with more than 8 people and see if you like to get blown away in those buildings.
"Gee, there's a weapon firing at the 2nd story! Why don't i get lame and fire up a bazooka round in there! yeah!!!"
[fssssssss....... boom!!!]
result: two fellas battling in a fair play on on one with garand, mauser, mp-40, BAR or whatever get blown away by a fegging chicken too lame to get there and look them in the eyes before pressing the trigger.
I have nothing against the weapons, as long as the bazooka/panzer schreck get their personnel damage diminuished and the shotgun a bigger spread radius.
Now what do you say about that?

<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>The British tried to "play fair" in the Revolutionary war. Look what it got them. If you don't think it is fair then upgrade your weapon. There is nothing fair about war. The idea is to take all chance away from the other guy. You know, like you chicken-snipers do from several blocks away. Everybody knows why you do that. It is so the victim doesn't see you until it is too late. Is that fair? Are you looking each other in the face then.......when you fire.......aiming through your scope? Get real (Not the mod) I mean real. War is kill the other guy and live long enough to go home. Even if it means mines, grenades, shotguns, snipers from treetops, or rockets. Big deal. If I can work my way down a street 4 oor 5 times and finally locate a sniper and kill him......then cool. I don't whine about all that. I use many weapons. I don't rule out rockets. No chance. I bet I got you in that bombed out town. All I saw was your smoke when you shot at someone else. You hadn't seen me. I happened to have a bazooka. Boom.............Argh! No more sniper. Did you know that at Dearlodge Prison, Montana there was a hostage situation. The Warden was held by at least two prisoners in a tower. They tried to nogotiate but ended it by firing a bazooka into the tower window. Everyone died, including the Warden. True story. Was that fair? Fair is for the Disney Channel.