02-22-2002, 11:14 AM
Agreed. Anywaym this topic started to look like an ego-batlle, who's the best, who's the lamest etc.
I just wanted to see opinions here, not just bragging and stuff like that
Conclusion of the thread(IMHO):
Shotguns and panzer schrech/bazooka are a little unrealistic (you didn't see actually soldiers assaulting enemy positions in the war with 8-gauge shotguns and RPGs).
For the realistic-aiming player, these weapons ruin the feeling of multiplayer.
For everyone else, they rock, more or less.
Just making a point...
It's sad to see all the Rambos out there saying adapt to it muthaf..ka and saying they are the best and so on and so forth...
The game is good, but i think i will be selective about certain servers/certain people when multiplaying.
I just like the realism of it.
And, oh yeah, what's the point of having a bazooka if there's no tank in the map? Some people still enjoy the idea though...
Angrif! Angrif!
Achtung! Scharfschutzer!
Zu decken! Angrif!...