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Malphal is Offline
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Default 02-23-2002, 12:57 AM

I don't know why this topic has me in such a lather. A rocket launcher should never be discharged unless you have time to reload it or change to your pistol or grenade. Unlike any other weapon you open yourself up for defenselessness against anyone who wants to fill you full of lead with the other choices of firearms. The enemy dodges and weaves and if you miss they have you. A sniper doesn't leave a smoke trail and is, therefore, harder to detect. Aiming a sniper rifle is sooooooooooooo much easier than a rocket launcher. Plus, if someone rushes you you have a better chance of defending yourself. I also want to tell yet another true story(Remember the true story about the cons who got taken out with a bazooka at Deerlodge Prison, Montana?) In Viet Nam there were many times when people were killed with rocket launchers.....True story..........And one more thing............I bet if someone were aiming their bazooka in WW2 at a tank and some sniper rose up in his field of vision to shoot him he would blow that sniper away..........with the rocket launcher. Now that is realism. That is what happens in MoH.You only have the bazooka and some enemy comes around the corner so you shoot them. You can run faster if you change to pistol but then you are up against someone with a rifle or Thompson....Duh! Why would I expose myself to that?.........Lastly, I use different weapons for different maps and I don't need the enemy telling me I shouldn't use whatever means at my legitimate disposal to fight the war. The bazooka is part of the arsenal..............and I wondered about the knife too. Hmmmmmmmmm. Hey, I said all that and didn't call anyone a name. Must be because I use the 'zooka. I have honor.
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