02-23-2002, 10:52 AM
Well, rocketlaunchers and shotguns are indeed for people with no skillz. I tried them both and i killed everybody i ran into...altho i cant do the same with a mg or smg by far. Bitching about snipers is lame. A sniperrifle is a dificult weapon to play with, whenever you need to change possition (after each shot or after being spotted) you are extremely vulnerable to people with mg, smg, or whatever. Sniping is a completely diferent gameplay then for example the mg. It secuires skillz, and so does the mg. All the time i see people running into an open field with guns blazing. This is as it is in real life the quickest way to your grave...ther might be snipers, there might be more nme's than you though. Play with tact and be carefull and observant and you will be protected from snipers. Dont run into open fields with you mg, thats just plain stupid. However fact remains that shotguns and bazookas bring the game out of balance and especially when there are to many of them. Shotgun and bazooka are, you miss them but still you hit them. This is not right and should be changed. If in real life you fire a bazooka while being in the same room as the target, you are dead as hell. Tis should be the case in the game. Same story for the shotgun. There is no way you can hit someone with a shotgun standing at the other side of the map, this should be the case in the game asswel. Leathal at close range but useless at distance.