02-23-2002, 02:56 AM
zooka n shotguns n nades are to kill people with no skill if u cannot avoid bein killed by it then try hard stop bitiching or dont play and if it was meant to be limited it would be limited but it isnt so for all u fags like posey either A make a frickin realism mod b if u can host c stop playing cause ull turn 50 before u turn 20 (12 in most cases) people play how they want in this FIRST PERSON SHOOTER not a FIRST PERSON BATTLE SIMULATION if u want that play rogue spear if u want fun arcadish action play this STOP BITCHING BOUT NADES and worry how to avoid them jesus fucking christ u people who think this game recreats or represents history or even tries to be real need to step back from the comp ang get some fresh air of life
Why is Jesus the almighty father? Was I forgotten? The son of Christ!