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Default 02-24-2002, 12:58 AM

Hey folks. I just registered and this thread caught my attention. It seems to be a rather emotional issue, and this is very clear when playing online. These disagreements regarding weapons usually end in shouting matches and namecalling, but it boils down to what you were expecting when you bought the game. There are those out there that really enjoy any kind of FPS, and there are those that really enjoy ones that make a concerted effort to envoke certain degrees of realism. I am no doubt of the second kind. And I can say I bought this game because it did appear from the demo to be striving for at least a moderate sense of "realism". Those who find themselves in the first group tend to not understand this.

This is a truly fantastic game, but those who were expecting realism do have a legitamate point, at least concerning shotguns. They were in fact used in combat during WWII, but very rarely, and even then mostly in the Pacific Islands where the brush made it very difficult to spot the enemy, and usually when one did he was very close by. So shotguns were used as they were powerful and there was much room for error.

In this game, Allied Assault, the main concern of many people is that there is an erroneous discrepancy between the power of weapons in short range. There is no question but if someone with a shotgun fires on a guy from 5 ft away then that guy is a goner. However, with respect to rifles this should also be true, and even with colt 45's (which could knock a guy over from that distance). Firing an M1 into the chest of an oncoming soldier who is only 5 or maybe 8 ft away should also result in immediate death. But because it does not (given 100 health), then you end up with the follwing scenario:

A guy with a shotgun rushes (running full speed zig zagging away) a soldier with a rifle, and even if the rifleman fires first and connects, there is no effect on the shotgunner save for the health points he loses. In close quarters, he only needs to pull the trigger once and it's over for the other guy. In other words, there is no reward for the soldier armed with a rifle who is patient, takes careful aim and fires, and so the shotgun's effectiveness is multiplied in the face of other weapons. The end result is you see a lot of people online using shotguns and rushing guys with rifles because they know they can take the hit. Now I've yet to see a mod that effectively remedies this completely. And so naturally some people are going to voice their gripe with the situation.

I don't think its all that big of a deal, but I think it is fair to say that EA was trying to appeal to as wide an audience as possible, so they included bazookas and shotguns for the Quake crowd, which is a pretty big market. Regardless, it is obvious to anyone that plays this game that they were going for more realism than some people would like to admit, and so they made some crucial compromises and that's why we have these threads. Hopefully in the future more servers will pop up so the wacky "realists" like me can get together more often.

Sorry for the length. Later.

[This message has been edited by Red 2 (edited February 24, 2002).]
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