02-24-2002, 06:53 AM
POSEYJ? See ya, I can tell you you wont be missed. You want realism - get this through YOUR thick ass school, this game isn't designed for the realism you want. And when wanks get on here thinking they know more than the experts on how to modify the weapons - thats when trouble rears its head, just like when SH3LIA_SHOCK offers her opinion.
Every single weapon in this game can be adapted to, every imbalanced gameplay mechanic can be worked around. You say these mods make the game more realistic - please. It makes it so that wet-behind the ears players who get sick and tired of being hit by a ZOOK dont have to whine anymore. Have you ever wondered why it is that a ZOOK used may actually have more kills than you. I daresay it's a little more than luck. And this goes for all the other FLAPJACKS you insist on defending and taking up the good cause for.
Now its shotguns, man...