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d3rwh33z!3024 is Offline
Posts: 57
Join Date: Jan 2002
Default 02-21-2002, 03:42 AM

I think if this game and its community keep up the mod support and make more maps then it will have a good run, but remember alot of newer FPS's are comming out soon UT 2 Doom3 Duke Nukem, So if MOH wants to make it in the long run they need to 1. release the SDK, and 2. sometime in tha future come out with a SP expantion, mabee including more weapons from other armed forces of the time, and incorporating other theatres of the war, Eastern front (That would be awesome), and mabee the pacific. I am sure someone will come up with a mod for MP but if they could make another SP campaign it would be awesome and show that EA is serious about tha game. But only time will tell!

Im goin sniper huntin 2day............where is my KAR98K,
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