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poseyj is Offline
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Default 02-21-2002, 01:15 AM

Hmmm, if i said yes I would be kidding myself, id say regardless of what is presented to you in this build of the game, adapt to it, or leave. a true sign of not wanting to make this game better and funner for more people, if i said yes id naturally be a horrible beta tester, and games released after my beta testing would be buggy and imbalanced.

but i say no, its not balanced, its not like 2015 had all the time in the world to make it so, they were rushed, but people are taking what they get. but i love the game too much to accept mediocrity, it can be way better for more people.

so koko or whatever your name is and other mod bashers, stop fucking bashing people for wanting to make the game better for the majority of people.
(concerning special weapon limitations)

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