Thread: Ban the Mods
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Default 06-22-2004, 01:18 PM

Originally Posted by Zoner
I tend to agree.

I was the one who filtered all those n-word variations in the first place. It has no place on this forum. Sadly, one can't possibly block all possible phonetic spellings of said n-word.

Since this has obviously (and understandably) struck a nerve with one of our members, I'm going to lay this down:

If I see anyone on this forum using racials slurs in any context (jokingly or otherwise), you will have your account deactivated or even deleted.

This has always been in the rules (like you fucks read them anyway)'s time we enforced them.

Capiche? Enough is enough.
shit happens. Guar at least apologizes about it. People like static and so on are the morons.

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