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Default 06-23-2004, 07:14 PM

Originally Posted by Akuma
Nuclear weapons wouldn't be used, that would lead to the end of the world immediatly. The war would be based on man power and technology. Europe has more people than America and for the most part is on the bleeding edge right along with us. I highly doubt America could win. Plus the majority of the American public is fat and lazy. That usually doesn't make an effective army. A draft would be pretty pointless.
I know that we are not going to use nukes, probably a -10000% chance of it happening, but that war would probably not come down to manpower as much as technology. and not every european country is ready for war right now, and i know for damn straight that usa will always control the battle in the air. so pretty much if anyone tried to attack us, their fighters would be shot down and then their land attacks would be shitted on from our aircraft. because honestly, the usa does have the best pilots in the world, the best aircraft. i dont mean to be rude, but you just cant deny that fact. the air force trains their pilots very hard, and long. i know this because whenever i watch tv, i watch discovery wings if there isnt anything else on hbo or somethin. its interesting to watch those shows, and this is just a fraction of what ive learned from watching.

wow, i think this thread got a little off topic...