Originally Posted by Himmler
Originally Posted by 5T4T1C
Originally Posted by Himmler
explain how you know this. if usa invaded canada, i would bet only a few countries would help because A) it would be over before any countries could aid canada, B) at that time, USA would be able to defend off attackers. you actually think the USA would let an enemy carrier fleet get within 300 miles of the mainland? no man, by that time, the usa would attack the carrier group and probably sink anything that came near. the united states would take every available resource, and put it into its military. considering america already has the strongest military in the world...putting everything that the country has into it for the next while (how ever long such a war would last) you really think they could be defeated?
GOD dont you know when to shut the fuck up
no not right now, you guys are bitching at me for saying things that i think. im just trying to explain shit, you fuckasses are bitching at me. grow the fuck up already.
you are explaining nonsense that can not be backed up with any evidence or statistics to make it even SOMEWHAT reasonable