Thread: Slow movement?
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Default 02-21-2002, 07:08 AM

The game is like UT or quake but with ww2 weapons to my mind. I'm a massive DoD2 player which wins hands down as a 'realism' sim, tactics and for team play. This game is more of a dm style game, not what i'd call realistic. (oh and i'm not just refering to free for all and team dm)

All i wanted was to know can you speed it up.
Not a lecture on the average air speed of an african swallow after having eaten 6 meal worms with an avg weight of .5grams each. etc type thingie. (by the way what is the average speed of the above.. )

Besides in combat situations it was normal to drop your back pack and extras so that you wouldnt be loitering along making an easy target.

Please helpfull replies or
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