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imported_Fluffy_Bunny is Offline
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Default 06-24-2004, 09:59 AM

Not the exact spelling, but close enough.


Origin Displayed: Scottish
Spelling variations include: Ayer, Air, Ayre, Ayers and others.

First found in Ayrshire where the family has been seated from ancient times.

Some of the first settlers of this name or some of its variants were: Roger Ayers who settled in Port de Grave in Newfoundland in 1681; John Ayers settled in Bonavista in 1708 and other settlements in Newfoundland include Hants Harbour, Fortune, Meadow, Lamaline and Corner Brook.

(Above is a small excerpt from our 1800 word history)

Motto Translated: Lighter than air.

Aaah, shyt, according to this I'm Scottish rolleyes:

BTW All this stuff is about as historically accurate as a blue-eyed nigg4 in the Waffen SS
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