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Default 02-22-2002, 11:19 AM

It's great in theory, but never in practice. I've seen a lot of places where people say "To make this game more realistic we need FF on!!" No. It does NOT make this game more realistic and here's why.

We all know of one or two people who have come onto a server you were in and totally ruined the experience for you (i.e. allied/axis snipers on Omaha, or anything that ruins the experience for you). BUT, these people are usually held on a leash somewhat, until FF is on.

I was just recently on a server called "Saving Ryan's Privates," and FF was in fact, on. So I go in there and one guy is just killing the hell out of the rest of his allied cohorts (myself included). So other people get pissed at this guy and throw a bunch of 'nades at him, but miss. So the grenades hit a totally unsuspecting person, and bam, that person is pissed and they're shouting and killing everyone in sight. You could call it whatever you want, but it sucked, let me tell you what.

So what I'm trying to say is, I've been on a few other servers where FF is on, and it NEVER works, i mean NEVER. There is always a missed shot that pisses off someone who has a bone to pick with the world. So you see, the only difference between Communism and FF is the awful working conditions! Uhh... well that doesn't work....

But thats my point and I'm stickin to it.
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