02-22-2002, 07:32 AM
Get a life man!....You have no idea what Communism is! The ability to make choices of what game to play and how the game is set up gives you more choices than any type of Communistic State would.
As far as friendly fire or team damage as the game calls it; it is the only way to go. More skill involved in playing the game and more realism. How can you drop a grenade at your brothers’ feet when the enemy is standing beside him and not expect to harm him? You have to make a judgement call in that situation and that to me, is what makes the game fun. Of course you are going to get the dude who is going to “screw off” and try and frag you. Deal with it and boot the bastard., or leave the game. The last time I checked there were 4 to 500 games going on!!!!
Team damage will always be on my dedicated server “Mick D.O.A.” so if you don’t like it make another choice. COMMUNISM DOESN”T LET YOU MAKE CHOICES!
Mick DOA