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Sh3ll_Sh0ck is Offline
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Default 02-23-2002, 02:43 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SolidSnake*MGS:2*:
Look you guys are almost saying how great THE OVERLORD opertaions of you said how you could imagine landin there and seeing your friends get wasted . i think this discussion should be stopped , real people died , not all wanted to fight for freedom,many just wanted to kill some GERMANS.MOH:AA is not a fucking simulator you sick person ,it is merely a game.You also say how realistic it is,did you land on OMAHA beach by any chance ?? didnt think so.You dont even know what combat is like,nor do i but i dont think i of you even said how you wished you could land on OMAHA for real,u fuckin dick,real people died , people with families.if you guys just bought MOH:AA to see what WW2 was likme you are sick,buy it because it is a great game.if you like the idea of war y dont you go fight Bin Laden,you werent laughin SEPTEMBER 11th , wishing for war were you??you guys are lookin back at WW2 and thinkin it was great cause the game you played was good or the film was great.i swear if you were in WW2 you would rather be dead i bet.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Did you even bother to read throught he post? Or are you just posting random crap?


Fear is the weakness of the mind. Remember that next time you see me on the battlefield.-ShellShock
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