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Default 02-23-2002, 03:34 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Untersturmfuhrer Draksen:
In my original post I wrote : "I respect Omahas US soldiers".
But I respect ALL SOLDIERS of WW II; Germans, Russians, US, Finnish ...

In FPS games, the big problem is that they are "First Person" games : you can see the action like it is/was.
Of course, you can't "feel" the action very well.
With MOHAA, not only in the Omaha mission, but in the whole game, you "are" in the action, part of the action.
And this action is/was WWII...
that is the main difference (IMO) between Operation F.P. or QuakeIII and MOHAA.
We play/simulate REAL EVENTS.
And the fun thing in that (I don't know if "fun" is a good word...) is that those REAL EVENTS was often an important part of our fathers or grand fathers life.


Whether we believe it or not those event were and important of part of our live. The changed an entire gerations view of the world. And for better or worse those views have been handed down to us.
I play this game for fun and wish that this is how war really was, nobody hurt, and move on with your life.

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