02-23-2002, 03:51 AM
Mr. Click-
You don't know much about World War II do you? Your attempt to come off as an informed person about the Pacific War and in particular the atomic bombs that were dropped on Japan was really sad.
The only other alternative was to invade Japan, a move that would have ended up in over 500,000 U.S. casualties, and who knows how many Japanese casualties. I'd guess maybe 7 million Japanse casualties, in fact.
The U.S. dropped a bomb on Hiroshima. That didn't work. Japan still didn't want to surrender. The U.S. dropped a second bomb, this time on Nagasaki. The Japanese military leaders were urging the government to keep fighting. Thankfully, the political leaders in Japan, namely Hirohito, thought it'd be best to surrender before any more atomic bombs were dropped.
Prior to the atomic bomb explosions, the U.S. released thousands upon thousands of threats to the Japanese via B-29s, about this atomic bomb device. They laughed. We dropped. They didn't give in. We dropped again. They finally surrender.
The decision to drop the bombs was one of the best decisions in the 20th century.