02-23-2002, 05:10 AM
wow some people are really stupid in here, i don't think i ever read anything about anyone wishing for war. and also im not obsessed with omaha beach or normandy i just thought it would be a cool place to visit, i like learning about the 101st in holland more than anything else in ww2. and you cant call me a sick person for buy moh just to find out what war is like... i wach the history channel i see what it does to people i have seen real pictures of mutalted bodies, and in 2 yrs when i turn 18 im shipin my self off to army ranger school. and its not just ww2, i like learing about any war, its just a facination with me. and yes mohaa is just a game... a really cool game.
"The object of war is not to die for your country, it is to make the other bastard die for his"