Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by Eames
dude tripper, you think im like a huge redneck who lives in a trailor in the middle of hickville. let me clue you in i live in the suburbs, drive a car, play sports, dress well (my girlfriend works at hollister). its the fucking internet, don't take everything i say seriously and calm the fuck down. i can't help it if your morales wont allow you to find this funny, whatever...just because i do doesn't mean im an uneducated hick i graduated highschool with a 5.2 gpa 45 outta 400.
The reason I think you're an uneducated hick, is because you act like one.
I mean, you chimed in with the same response as the dumbest mother-fucker ever to grace these forums.
Fuck who you are in real life, that doesn't mean shit on the internet.
whatever as long as you know, and your right it doesnt matter...but ill keep voicing my opinion on whatever because like you said its the internet and i don't really care if i offend you or anyone else, so chill out people have different opinions, i learned along time ago to stop caring about what other people believed or what they thought.