02-23-2002, 04:40 AM
No, I don't think so. I don't think it will be expensive. Here is my idea :
Example for a standard "turn" of the game :
On monday, each team must send orders to the administrator. Orders by mail.
Example of orders :
Team 1 :
move unit01 from sector B to sector D.
move unit02 from sector E to sector F.
unit03 standby.
unit04 reinforcements (+2 men).
On tuesday, the adminitrator of the site updates the web page. Each team can see its orders on the internet (the map) and discover the moves/orders of its ennemy/ennemies.
On wednesday, the administrator sends a mail to each Team-Captain and indicates in it, all the battles that must be resolved.
A "battle schedule" is decided for the next day.
On thusday, it is "battle day". Each team plays its battles in real time MOHAA games.
Results are reported by mail to the administrator. Example :
Battle003 :
Team1/unit03 vs. Team2/unit01
Team1/unit03 destroyed !
Team2/unit01 victory (3 men KIA).
On Friday, the administrator updates the web page/maps according to new changes.
Or something like that.
Moving/Attacking rules must, of course, be defined.
And if a player or a team can't play the battle, the battle is lost.
Untersturmfuhrer J.Draksen,
Virtual Wiking Division