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ShagNasty is Offline
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Default 06-28-2004, 05:08 PM

Rebuttle for Trippers highly thought out post.

I am sick of the blacks who cry about slavery, and want reprimand in the form of cash, and blacks trying to say that blacks beat there kids from being slaves, its handed down from generation to generation bull shit. Jews were slaves much longer than the blacks and they don’t have this problem.

The white man is the minority in America. Affirmative action will let a minority get a job that a non minority is more qualified for. I believe in 100% equal rights but the blacks seem to not to truly want it.

Here are some other examples.

1: B.E.T black entertainment channel. No white counter part.
2: the united negro scholarship fund.

If there was an all white channel the blacks would scream racism, have just a white scholarship fund o my god. the cry of out rage would be huge. Now don’t get me wrong we needed these things like 25 or 30 years ago but now they have to stop it to make us all equal.

You think I am a racist because I attack TGB well pal I hated him before I ever knew he was black. He is one of the types of black people that try and make them selves out to be better than others, and he isn’t. Hence I like to fuck with him. I don’t like people who try and put them selves over people as in thinking they are superior. And then you jump in because you think I am a racist and you have no idea at all what you’re talking about. I believe you 1st hated me a few years ago when the Michael Jackson topic came up and I called him a pedophile, and you and ED aka TGB ripped on me, looks like I was right not you guys. But we will see soon on that one won’t us.

Next thing you ripped on me for was the beltway snipers. I said it took no skill what they were doing. As in any body can kill an innocent person with a rifle. Then you and a few others didn’t seem to comprehend what I meant. And tried to say that I said military snipers had no skill and that was not the case, I know they have great skill, but shooting an unarmed civilian does not take skill. And I would say I was right look at how they got caught by pure stupidity.

As for me I have a fucking great sense of humor, and that’s why I find it so funny what these kids did.

PS. Take note how I didn’t insult you, can you do the same? I personally doubt you’re capable of a real debate lets see what you got.