02-23-2002, 04:30 AM
i shoulda seen it b4. u dOOds r sooooo right. i dont no y i had 2 to be such. a jerk. lol! i guess rly its fer know reason or anything. lol! but they're you go. from now on i will be a diff guy like nrml ppl, cuz noone. likes a jherk. and who cares about dum junk like what i wuz talking about! comeon your jus tring 2 have some fun with thegame like me and my peepos r 2. WE CAN DO WHAT WE WANT! lol! im just gonna relax and get my chill on and suck in the fumes from a can of oven cleaner. we peeps from the uk need to show are skillz, not worry about stOOpid stuff like how somebody rights abiut a GAME! lol! every. take a lesson from me. take a chil and realx. its. just a . ha,e game.