06-28-2004, 11:09 PM
[/quote]That smells like bullshit to me, a white kid growing up in the projects - highly unlikely.....But, I'm not going to go down that road because I could be very wrong. I'd like to see what one of the other Americans on the forums would say about that.
My mom and dad divorced when I was like 6 mom poor and on welfare so we had to live in low income housing. Aka the projects. And yes we had a very wide variety of races to say the least.
Originally posted by ShagNasty:
So I say I lived with much more race Varity than you. And in a much more violent place.
How can you possibly say that without visiting my neighbourhood? You can't.
Not that it has anything do with you anyway - My statement was aimed at Eames (....and I'm still waiting on a response from him).
sorry didn’t see the EAMS in your heading 1st time.
Isn’t the USA know for being the most violent country in the world, well the civilized world, and don’t you relise that most crime happened in the ghetto aka project aka low income housing. So yeah I can be pretty certain I lived in a more violent place than you.
PS: if racism is what you thought it was we would all be racist. You know every culture and how they live, of course not.