Originally Posted by Noctis
First of all, the national standards for college admission do not recognize anything over a 5.0 GPA.
That being said, Honors courses will get you .25 to your weighted GPA, AP and Dual-Enrollment courses will get you .45 to your GPA (assuming you make all A's).
Here is some information on how AP is weighted:
[quote:e13e2]Calculation of Weighted GPA
A. Students shall receive bonus points added to their non-weighted GPA for all Advanced Placement courses that they complete with a semester grade of C or better. Beginning with the 2004-2005 school year, in order to receive a weighted grade, a student must take the AP test associated with the AP course and earn a score of 3 or higher on the test.
B. In order to receive credit for a yearlong course, students must complete both semesters of an Advanced Placement course. Students in a yearlong AP course will lose the first semester bonus points if they do not complete the second semester of the course and take the test, earning a score of 3 or higher. It will be noted on the transcript that the weighted grade is contingent upon taking the AP test and earning a score of 3 or higher. The weight will be added to the transcript when the student’s score is received from the College Board.
C. GPA bonus points shall be calculated as follows for a full year course:
Grade Bonus Points
A .045
B .0225
C .015
D No bonus points
Furthermore, more than 75% of AP courses are year-long which necessitates the completion of two full semesters of instruction to receive credit. Also, Federal law limits the number of courses a student can take in a school year to 12 on block scheduling (5 per semester and two summer school) or 10 on traditional scheduling (8 per day and two in summer school). Summer courses taken post-graduation are not counted toward your GPA.
So eat me.[/quote:e13e2]
even that's generous, my piece-of-shit district treated AP classes same as "normal" classes in the GPA mad:
doesn't matter anymore though, HS GPA only affects admission and first year scholarships; everything after that is based on your university performance. dance: