Originally Posted by "Arkan":4791a
Originally Posted by "Pyro":4791a
Originally Posted by "Arkan":4791a
Originally Posted by "Pyro":4791a
How the fuck is this stupid, hell im suprized any of you even understood what I said.
Classic conservative following Thomas Paine's mantra "That government is best which governs least."
Why isn't it still like this?
I dunno, why don't you ask Jesus?
How can you people follow something and know nothing about it?
Whenever i need to know what my Government has in store for me, i always look to my helpful neighbors to the north. They seem to have all the answers. oOo:
Well the federal election is tomorrow, and i'd like to know more about it befor eI choose who to vote for. I just thought i'd ask people from a country who is under conservative ideologies right now.[/quote:4791a]
Are you sure America is under conservative ideologies right now? What makes you believe that? Did you consult your nextdoor neighbor to find out what their ideas are? Do you have a problem coming to conclusions on your own that you have to consult others in different countries? How ever did you make it through school?[/quote:4791a]
Isn't Republicans on the right of the political spectrum? The opposite of the Democrast which would be on the left? In school I learned from teachers who knew what I didn't. I have basic knowledge which I showcased earlier about the original idea and history of conservatism.[/quote:4791a]
Did they teach you to be an annoying prick....or did it just come natural?
You're like a knat on my nut-sac after i moved the lawn on a hot summers day![/quote:4791a]
That doesn't answer the question.