Originally Posted by "[GDC
_Polemarcus":b80a4]Well that should be enough logic for you then...
At one point Iraq had the capability to take over the entire middle east. The allied forces forcefully removed the Republican Guard and liberated Kuwait. 12 years later, we are in this situation. Granted no WMD's have been found yet, but important officials had serious reasons to believe the bath party had WMD's in their posession. 12 years after the fact, humiliated by defeat, Hussein would have every reason to use those weapons on the middle east and any opposing forces... now i know hind sight is 20/20, but what IF he had them, what IF we did nothing, and what IF they were used. If anything learn from our previous mistakes.
1919 The treaty of versailles was signed limiting the germans for establishing a military
In the years to come the German Military would build the most powerful navy and airforce in the world, while everyone just sat back and watched... What IF we took action sooner?
WHy not North Korea before Iraq?[/quote:b80a4]
Shit, good one. Perhaps we'll blow those fuckers up next!! Don't ya just love those slanty-eyed fuckers?